Montag, 21. April 2008

Why this happens?

I so pity all people that live in China. These people have built a lot of edifices; have planted so many trees only to carry out the Olympiad, but it can be frustrated every or any moment.
I’ve heard so many interesting things about China and it will be very sad if the Olympiad will not take place.

Freitag, 29. Februar 2008


I feel the spring!
It is good to live without bad or sad thoughts. It so is difficult, to depart from them, to refuse all sad things. There are a lot of people around who need God’s help. But I try to think only about good to be closer to the Lord.

Freitag, 8. Februar 2008


It seems to me it's quite perilous to have such wheels on such car.....


Freitag, 18. Januar 2008


I need very much something jolly and unusual.
I watched several funny videos – and I didn’t enjoy them.
Probably this is because of such bad weather – two days without the sun.
I’ll better read kids’ words and then I will listen to the classical music – it always helps me when I’m in bad mood.

Samstag, 5. Januar 2008


The Christmas has passed. For some reason I want to eat very much. Probably this is because I tasted many dishes during holidays. I will buy more fruits to suppress the hunger.
All forces on struggle against weight gaining :))!

Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2007

Active Rest

I feel the pain in my back muscles. It’s not so strong, but at some movements I have unpleasant sensation. Probably yesterday I was doing something and my muscles have strongly strained. But that’s ok!
Rest … Sometimes it seems that the best rest is to lie on a sofa with a book and not doing anything else. But it is very difficult to force my organism after such rest to work again. So I agree, the best rest is really - movement.
Personally I organize for myself once a week a good shake-up - volleyball, swimming pool, sauna… Mmmm, cool!
I do this more than one month on week-ends and I’m very happy.

Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007


What a problem - if tomorrow aliens will return Steve Fossett alive and safe. Then his already legally recognized widow quickly will bring a suit with the requirement to recognize her as wife again, in connection with, so to say, again opened circumstances. Judges will receive money. The justice will triumph. And everybody will be happy!

Freitag, 23. November 2007

Underwater House

With my big pleasure I would join the underwater house building, and probably the majority of my friends would do the same.
As this is just a fantastic idea! Communication with the underwater nature is my dream!

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Why this happens?
I so pity all people that live in China. These people...
Naram - 21. Apr, 06:07
I feel the spring! It...
I feel the spring! It is good to live without bad...
Naram - 29. Feb, 05:16
It seems to me it's quite...
It seems to me it's quite perilous to have such wheels...
Naram - 8. Feb, 05:05
I need very much something...
I need very much something jolly and unusual. I watched...
Naram - 18. Jan, 05:46
The Christmas has passed....
The Christmas has passed. For some reason I want to...
Naram - 5. Jan, 06:39




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